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Short biased bio

I am a complexity researcher with a background in Physics. I earned my Physics BSc (Licenciatura de Física) at the Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain. During my studies, I loved exploring General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (who doesn’t?), but by the end of the degree, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to fields beyond conventional physics, such as physics applied to society, the economy, biology, and similar areas. Consequently, I decided to specialize in these fields with the hope of pursuing a PhD in complex systems. Although I did not achieve this last goal, I did earn a master’s degree in the Physics of Complex Systems from UNED (Universidad Española de Educación a Distancia).

Years later, after some wandering, earning another MSc to become a high school teacher, and completing a two-year training internship at AEMET (Spanish Meteorological Agency), I finally secured a pre-doctoral position back at home, at Zaragoza’s BIFI (Institute of Biophysics and Complex Systems). I earned my PhD in March 2024, specializing in computational epidemics.

Research focus & interests

My PhD research focused on epidemic spreading modeling through the application of concepts and tools from complex systems theory (complex networks, nonlinear dynamics, ABMs, etc.). I am dedicated to studying both the theoretical and application sides of the phenomena.

In addition, I have a strong interest in examining economic phenomena from the perspectives of complexity economics and biophysical economics. Overall, I enjoy learning about complex phenomena related to human societies and sustainability issues.